Supreme Court Order of Protection

Domestic-Violence-hearingA Supreme Court order of protection can be issued as part of an ongoing divorce proceeding.  If you have an ongoing divorce case and would like to request an order of protection, you may do so by making a written request by Motion or Order to Show Cause; or you may make an oral request at a court appearance. If you are represented by an attorney, your attorney may make the written or oral request for you. The judge decides whether to issue the order of protection and what terms and conditions will be included in the order.

For more information on serving a supreme court order of protection visit or call 1.800.774.6922 for a free quote.  Open Monday-Friday 8am.-8pm.  “When you want it done right the first time” contact #SupremeCourtOrderofProtection #OrderofProtection #DomesticViolence

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